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Club Night, Stackpole, 11th July 2023


Blog by Teresa Nash

Members came down to Stackpole between 6 - 6.30pm and we were out on the water by 6.40pm.

There were 23 people in total, with 23 boats. This included 7 responsible adults. We had some fairly competent newbies who joined us, one of whom was on holiday from Crawley (Mark) and was staying in Stackpole, so that was handy.

Low tide was due at 7.55pm.

We paddled round to Barafundle, so this was with the tide. Along the way, some of us did some rock-hopping, but not a huge amount. oing out and with wind. The wind was a fair WNW wind at about 12mph, with 23mph gusts. We hoped for some good surf, at Barafundle, to do some kayak-surfing, but it was disappointing, so we carried on to the head. Here the waves were very wavy and about 6 of us carried on further around the corner, where there were some big wavy waves and phew, it was exciting and scary at the same time! Personally, I loved it. We had wind and big waves. Caution had to be exercised, but all 6 of us had fun. I could not take any photographs (although I would have loved to have taken a video), as both hands needed to stay firmly on the paddle.

We then all headed straight back to Stackpole. The tide had turned and was now beginning to come back in, so we went with the flooding tide and against the wind, which wasn't too bad either. We saw a porpoise swimming. Of course, anything like this is just amazing and beautiful. I did try and take a picture when it was out of the water, but to no avail. We got back, got changed and went home. We were out for a good 2 hours or so and saw a variety of sky formations, which I have tried to capture in some of my pics. The last pic is one of our sunset, which was taken on my way home. Some of my photographs are on the wonk...I'm still trying to master my photography skills on the water ha ha. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area.



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