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Club Night, Warrior Way, Tuesday 13th June @ 6.30pm


26 people attended, with 25 boats out (2 in one Canoe) and 24 boats back (2 in each of 2 canoes), including 2 newbies - one lady and one young lad. There were a variety of ages present....from young children to more senior adults.

Weather: probably the hottest day of the year so far...about 26/27 degrees c, dry and calm.

We paddled our way, on very calm waters, to Hobbs Point, where the youngsters had fun jumping off the wall and divebombing into the waters.

Julian also encouraged the youngsters to make a walkway, by tightly holding their kayaks side by side, and then getting the end child to walk across it to the safety of a large Canadian Canoe. Eventually the canoe filled up with young ones. They then had fun capsizing it and a rescue procedure was done to empty the canoe of its water.

Mark introduced me to seal launching (new to me...and exciting!). This involves launching yourself, in your kayak, off a wall of some height. I was a chicken this time and only did it from a small height. I'd like to go higher next time!

We were all back by 9pm, dried off and went home. The temperature at this time of night was 20 degrees C.

Photographs attached are care of our professional kayaking photographer, Mark Cox :-).




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