Hi paddlers we are back.
Well it’s been a while since we updated anything on our web page but we are now back in control,
We are also happy to inform old and new paddlers that we are back on the water.
14-7-2020: We had our first club paddle since the lockdown started. It was nice to get out there even if the weather was not great.
21-7-2020: We will have our second club night and the weather looks like it will be kind.
We have also had a few paddles out since the powers that be released us from lockdown.
We hope to be doing our usual paddles on Tuesday nights out and about in Pembrokeshire.
For up to date info find us on Facebook,
Look forward to meeting up with all members when you feel the time is right for you to join us.
We are also open to new members.
Keep safe hope to see you soon,
Pembrokeshire paddlers